Joëlle Carpentier

researcher, expert in leaders training


Joëlle is a professor-researcher at the UQAM School of management science. She holds a doctorate degree (Université de Montréal) in social psychology and has completed postdoctoral studies (McGill University) on the same topic. She also completed a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration at HEC-Montréal. During her graduate studies, she specialized herself in sport psychology and became an expert in the coach-athlete relationship. A former elite athlete and coach, she contributes to coaches training in Quebec since 2009. She also acts as a performance psychology consultant with athletes, coaches and organizations. She now shares the knowledge and experience she acquired in sport with business leaders. In addition to her applied expertise, the quality of her research on optimal feedback has also been recognized through numerous prizes and distinctions (Certificate of academic excellence, Canadian Psychological Association, Guy-Bégin Prize, Société Québécoise pour la Recherche en Psychologie, Best doctoral thesis of the Psychology Department, Université de Montréal, etc.).